Prototyping  /  User Research  /  UX/UI Design  /  Web app

Fibre Visualisation App

Improve the work efficiency of the Oil & Gas engineers for sharing their data interpretation with their peers in real-time.

Design Lead
Web App

Provide innovative solutions to support the BP engineers collaborating better with their peers in real time.


The project was about improving the process of sharing data interpretation between the BP engineers so that they can have better and more informed data interpretation to resolve any performance issues and optimisation.


Introducing new innovative ways to increase performance by providing a central place for real-time collaboration and reducing the time and effort of creating external documentation for sharing analysis

High-level goals

Key Project Enhancements

  • Giving users more control by introducing a new project-sharing capability that empowers users to compare and review data in real time.
  • Providing users with a central place for real-time collaboration such as discussion and feedback from their peers.

  • Improving work efficiency by saving time and effort in producing external documents for discussions.

  • Set a solid foundation for more future developments within the collaboration space.


MVP kick-off workshop

At the start of a project, I set up a kick-off workshop with the project team to develop an MVP. The first part of the workshop was to summarise all the existing research findings so that everyone on the team would have the same background knowledge of this project.


I took the opportunity to go through the JTBD with the team so that they would understand what problems we were trying to solve for our users and why.

Core MVP Workshop 

Here's the overview of the MVP workshop including any previous research analysis, feature ideation, key themes consolidation and defining the MoSCoW.

Example Mapping

Once we had defined the core MVP and some of the nice-to-have items as a team, the next step was for me to set up an example mapping exercise for the team to raise any concerns about the experience and the functionalities of the MVPs.



MVP user experience journey

After mocking up the MVP user flow I set up another workshop to review this with the team and to capture any feedback for more iterations. Once the journey was confirmed, this would help the PO to define the user stories and to help identify any technical spikes and design tasks that we should have.


Part of the exercise was to capture any questions and concerns from the PO and manage their expectations.

Project Alignment

To help other teams in the business to have a clearer picture of what was going on, I carried out a mapping exercise to identify some of the key stages of the project and aligned them with the JTBD, potential rules and user pain points. This was well received by the business in our bi-weekly tech demo.


System Design Mapping

To ensure that the user experience and the engineering development were aligned, I set up a meeting with the developers to discuss and create a system design mapping. We reviewed the user experience journey to ensure everyone was on the same page and then produced an architecture diagram based on the journey.


Early Design

Based on the user flow that was confirmed, I then we had a team review and captured any inputs from the engineers and POs.


Design Iteration

As the development progressed, we identified that the shared project view UI should be restricted to maintain the focus on the data interpretation. As a result, I set up a meeting to discuss this with the team to identify the reduced UI elements and reflect that in the journey.

Final Design

There was a request from the dev team to help them understand the exact state of the annotation functionality and how it should work with the share a project feature. As a result, I added an overview of the annotation states in a table view as part of the final design.


User Research

As part of the design exploration, I carried out several user tests to validate our design thinking and identify any other opportunities that we should be aware of. I set up five 1-1 user research sessions over a week with the BP engineers and the main audience was Petroleum engineers, Petrophysicists and Reservoir engineers. The interview was done via MS Teams and the recording was later transcribed in Dovetail for deep insight analysis.

Edge Case

During our beta testing stage, an edge case was identified. It happened when the original project was not available after being shared with other users and as a result, this triggered an error in the app.

Final Demo


The result was great and the feature was well received by the BP engineers. We launched a Beta test with a selection of BP users via feature flag and it was well understood the new improvement meant that they could do their jobs more efficiently so the BP engineers were really happy with the result.

In addition, after carrying out the user research, I also uncovered that there was a strong desire to have a save functionality for ease of interpreting the fibre data. The research that I had carried out provided strong evidence for the business to accept the new use case and allowed the business to understand why it was needed. As a result, we continue to iterate and further improve the project-sharing functionality.